Gratitude - How I use gratitude to catapult me to new heights of being

“Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it, but not to fever.” “No duty is more urgent than giving thanks.” “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” August 27, 2021

I love this definition of gratitude.  It’s not about ‘being happy’. When I was suffering from abuse and trauma, I was constantly in self-pity. I did not understand that gratitude could transform my life. Now, I understand and practice gratitude daily.

When my life was hurtling down the train tracks for over two decades, I spent little time focusing on gratitude. It was not because I would not, it was because I could not. I had no idea that the untreated trauma and consequent complex post traumatic stress disorder symptoms, that were now enveloping my mind, body and spirit, were disallowing me to feel gratitude. I was numb.  

Then, one day, as I got down on my knees sobbing in pain, the darkness started to crack and a sliver of light began to shine through. I started to see, with new eyes, the true reality of my life. From that day to this, I continue to grow in gratitude for the gift of life that has been given to me. It was a small amount for a long time, but now I am often overtaken by my gratitude and cry out in thankfulness.

From my experience, I believe that gratitude is a key component to healing from trauma. Without it, healing becomes a mechanical exercise, void of a heart connection. Venturing into one’s heart can feel terrifying when it has been blocked through experiencing trauma. But, allowing yourself to be courageous enough to enter into your heart is when you will begin to experience the miracle of gratitude. So, I believe that gratitude is both an emotion and an attitude.

Click this link to read about five qualities of thankful people.

In Summary

For me, gratitude is something I can mentally remind myself to go into. When I do go into gratitude, I travel to my heart and am filled with something that the quote by above defines my experience best. I feel expansive when I am in gratitude. My heart rate normalizes, my breathing slows and deepens. My eyes may fill with tears and I bow down to my savior in humbleness and praise. I believe that healing occurs each time I go to this space of gratitude. May you experience this joyous gift as well.


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