About The Author
Arielle Spring is a living example of a phoenix rising. She began her life in an idyllic setting surrounded by loving parents and a sibling. She started to soar as a classical pianist when she was mentored by a renowned piano teacher who believed she would one day become a concert pianist. However, her life took a sudden turn in her sophomore year of high school. She experienced a succession of traumas – two of which were sexual assault. Then she got word her piano teacher had suddenly passed away. She was left with guilt, shame, isolation and heartbreak, but kept it all inside which resulted in her being stricken with PTSD which, left untreated, sent her into a downward spiral lasting over two decades.
After experiencing much more trauma, including becoming homeless, Arielle looked into the mirror one day, got on her knees and concluded she was as low as she would allow herself to go. She began her ascent through hard work and dedication to discovering her true self. Arielle took a job as a domestic violence crisis group facilitator which inspired her to create her own dv support group to teach women to transition from the victim mentality. She went on to become a certified professional life coach and health coach. All the while, Arielle continued to pursue her own healing and growth.
Arielle has now published her first book, a memoir When Birds Sing. This was a labor of love and personal growth that took her five years to write. She has now discovered that her passion for music and design have spilled over into writing. Books, publications and blogging are her current pursuit. Her future will hold many more exciting appearances as she pursues her writing career.
“Most of the time we avoid talking about traumatic experiences in our lives. We do not tell our stories and compartmentalize our pain. This limits us as individuals and in our ability to connect with others. In this book we are invited into stories of trauma and pain. The author’s journey has not been an easy one, yet there is a thread of hope and faith that is remarkable and inspiring. Perhaps in reading this book you will be empowered to share your own story of trauma and see possibilities of hope and healing beyond heartbreak and pain. I recommend this book to all who have experienced trauma or know someone who has.”