That’s Just Jeni - A Few of My Favorite Things – Spring 2023 Edition

Awwwww – spring! This is such a fun season! The sun starts to rise earlier, and sets a little later in the evening, which means longer days. The climate begins to warm up, and the frost starts to melt. Spring flowers like lilacs and tulips and lilies are everywhere! It’s really a magical season to see everything transform. Spring also includes Easter, Father’s Day, and Mother’s Day – which is quite a bit of celebration in one season!

Here are some of my favorite suggestions for gift-giving and celebrating spring!

When Birds Sing: My Journey From Trauma to Triumph: In this inspiring book, the author shares her personal story of PTSD, healing, and actually thriving from the trauma. She helps readers understand how to conquer PTSD and move beyond being the victim.

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