You Are Alive for a Reason - Don’t Give Up

When I was 23-24 years old, I began cutting myself. I now know that this act was a cry for help from my 16 years old Arielle who had gone through two back-to-back terrible sexual assaults. She worked really hard to carry on with her life – landed an amazing job with a bright future – only to be struggling with the gamut of PTSD and C-PTSD symptoms on a daily basis. I sought help from a psychologist but he never once, within a year’s time, mentioned anything about the effects of trauma, which we now are aware are PTSD and C-PTSD and all their hosts of symptoms.

My symptoms continued to erode my life and my true self began to be less and less available to me. I tried my hardest to re-set after quitting my amazing job and after leaving my boyfriend, moving back in with my parents. That ended with a severe trauma that affected me for decades. Over an absurd argument, I was thrown out in the middle of winter. I was homeless, but a girl I worked with (I had gotten another job) let me stay on her couch. That winter I began an eating disorder and became quite depressed.

It wasn’t until years later and a four-year marriage to an extremely abusive man, that my suicidal thoughts began. The thoughts were born out of feelings of being just a dot in this world who did not matter to anyone. ‘Why don’t you just drive your car off a bridge?” the voice would say to me. There were also many other thoughts of ending my life that I had.

I used dysfunctional ways of quieting the voice to calm and soothe myself into staying alive until the day I looked into the mirror without my denial glasses on and saw myself as God saw me. It was in that moment that I began to devote myself to loving me and loving my savior. It has been an upward journey with a lot of learning and growing into who I was meant to be.

The key to learning to love living again, for me, is consistent dedication to self-love induced self-care acts. See list below. This develops a sense of well-being and sense of self confidence and empowerment that only causes your life to blossom and bloom into a life worth living.

My self-love induced self-care acts:

  • Beach walks

  • Body movement including strength training, elliptical, rebounding

  • Eating organic, healthy meals and snacks

  • Schema therapy

  • Body therapy (allowing body to release trauma)

  • Connecting with beloved friends and family

  • Writing books, blogs, articles

  • Podcast appearances


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Navigating Emotions vs. Feelings vs. Moods